Saturday, April 7, 2007

Corpsepaint Flyer, I Suppose...


I haven't really done much lately, so I apologize! Tonight I got bored and decided I wanted to try to replicate some of those old Darkthrone record covers. I had read that all they did was just take black and white photos and make poor quality copies and then kinda black out some of the parts they didn't need. Here is an example.

I added a greyish swirl to it and tried to make it a tiny bit humorous by making it a flyer for a corpsepaint sale. I kinda dig it.

Although... Maybe it would look better without the swirl? What do you think?

Anyway, next update I promise will be something relevant and not just an example of how I kill an hour! Peace out!

1 comment:

Stuart Marsh said...

Without the swirl it looks really crisp and professioal like it could be a patch or T-shirt. But personally I like the swirl, It is sort of spooky and psychodelic.
Either way good job.