Saturday, January 26, 2008


So at work I am fortunate enough to get some After Effects under my belt. Of the three animators, I am the only one with AE on my computer, so when the need arises for AE work on an episode, it falls on me. In this case, the episode called for a crappy hologram of a character. So I spent a few hours researching (Reading a tutorial) and tweaking (Clicking buttons and sliding sliders) and this is the finished product. I think it came out pretty good.

By the way, Victor did the animation. Also, there is no sound. Sorry!

Edit: It looks like I made a mistake and actually looped the animation twice when I exported. My mistake.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

More Boards

Hello again.

Got some more boards for you today. This is another dialogue scene from a different episode than before. Our character here is a blob of oil. With a monacle. So, obviously, he is PURE EVIL!

Also, I guess because it's so tall, the image is so tiny! So go ahead, and just click right on it to see it bigger!


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Cat In The Garden

I like cats. I also like messing in Photoshop. You know what? I today realized that there are many different presets for the brush tool. So I was playing, and this is what I got.

He's made of circles and triangles!