I started the comic in June of 2001, wanting to be a part of the webcomic community. It was a lot of trial and error, and of course, the results varied. The first two years alone were awful. I mean, I was inking with a ball point pen! Only after years of doing it did I realize, "Hey! a non-photo blue pencil and Micron pens work so much better!"
Anyway, it was never an attempt to make something amazing. I just wanted to play around with story ideas and characters. Sometimes it worked, sometimes not. I still love the Evil Orb storyline and the Astro Zombies storyline. Sure I can do without the weird beginning stuff, but it's all part of a bigger thing.
Sometimes I wish I didn't just abandon it. Maybe I will go back to it one day. Or start it all over again! This time, with decent artwork! :)
So, to celebrate the life and limbo of the comic, I did this group picture. Most of the characters are in there... Even the few that died. Some are people I knew in real life. Some are made up. Some were influenced by movies or music.

Ah, nostalgia.
Thanks a lot guys, now I'm nostalgia.
fuck ya nostalgia
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